ldr date night

LDR Date Night Ideas

Being in a long distance relationship (LDR) isn’t all doom and gloom. We get the chance to have the most amazing ‘Love Actually’ moments every few weeks. We are also fortunate that the time we do spend together being 100% exclusive. However, it does come with a lot of challenges. One of the main ones is getting to spend quality time with each other when we aren’t physically together. 

Conventional couples have the luxury of ‘Date Night’. Maybe it’s once a month or every Friday night, but it has become a relationship tradition. So what do you do when you’re in a LDR and can’t go out for a romantic meal together. Here are our top LDR Date Night suggestions. 


Going out for dinner doesn’t mean you have to be in the same place. Every few days, Marthe and I schedule dinner together. This means that we both cook our respective meals and set the table to eat at the same time. Sometimes we make it extra romantic by both lighting candles in our apartments. This date doesn’t have to only be dinner, we regularly schedule breakfast together on the weekends. 

Watch a Movie

Yes, it is possible to watch a movie together. Find a movie that you both have on Netflix, make some popcorn and get comfy. Set up your phones so you can still see each other clearly and then count down and press play at the same time. 

Netflix & Chill

We sometimes mute each other if the film is particularly loud and wave when we want to speak. lol! Oh and its a good idea to choose the film before the date starts, otherwise you will just be two people scrolling through Netflix in different countries … not much of a date!

Cook Together

This may take some planning. You can either cook two different meals, but what is more fun is to cook the same meal, preferably one that is new to both of you. Make sure to have all the ingredients ahead of time and then have a Masterchef style cook-off. Seeing whose final dish looks most like the picture. 

Sex Date

Ok! Sorry Mum and Dad, but it had to be mentioned. It doesn’t need any explanation but it wouldn’t be an authentic list without it. Use you imagination and fill in the blanks yourself ; )


ldr date night
Taken after Marthe joined in my Dance Sweat class

Both Marthe and I enjoy keeping fit and this is a way we can do it together. I work as a personal trainer during the week, so sometimes I will give Marthe a workout via video chat. However, it can also be as simple as watching the same workout video and doing it at the same time. Seeing her cute butt, keeps me motivated ; )

Quiz Night

We did this a lot in the first few months of being long distance. We would google different couples quizzes and spend an evening asking each other questions. It was a great way to get to know one another better, but also to keep the conversation going when we felt like we had already told each other everything there was to know. 

The most important thing about all of these is to make sure that when you have scheduled a date, you try and stick to it. Just because you aren’t physically meeting, doesn’t mean you should treat it any differently. Of course, plans change, just make sure you always let your partner know. 

So there are our favourite date night ideas. Please leave a comment below letting us know what you think, or if you have any more ideas. For more LDR tips, check out our post, ‘Top Tips for a Long Distance Relationship‘.

You can also check out our LDR Podcast! Where we go into all the details and challenges of being in an LDR relationship.