Ten Tips how to be productive and stay balanced during self isolation 

Covid-19 has hit the world at an incredible speed and no one has been truly prepared for it. For the first time in our (Tash and I) life experience we have had our freedom restricted. Now we are bound to our homes, on self isolation with terms like ‘social distancing’ and ‘quarantine’ trending on social media.

I (Marthe) and Tash had an epic journey coming home from Bali. It’s crazy how quickly everything changed when the news spread. Suddenly paradise wasn’t so appealing anymore. We had to book three different flights, costing a lot of money and causing a huge amount of stress to reach our home sweet home. We’re so lucky and happy to be back in the UK, thinking of all the people who are still stuck abroad.

We have been back in our flat for four days and for the people staying at home, out of work, just like us, we want to offer some tips on how you can spend your days. To make the best out of self isolation, ask yourself one question. ‘What would I like to achieve in 3 weeks?’

Dream and Do

Have you always wanted to start a business? Become self-employed? Have a side hustle? Study a new subject? Learn a language? This is the time to turn that dream into reality! Think of what you want to achieve in this time and find a purpose for each day. 

Write down where you are in your life, are you happy with that? What would you like to change? What would you like to stay the same? This is the time to push the reset button and make new resolutions.

For us this is working on ‘Breaking the Distance’, building our blog and working on our podcast, as well as having the time to really connect with our audience. We are also exploring ways of how to make money online, making lots of content and working our asses off!

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I know this doesn’t sound appealing, but set a wake up alarm, so days are not wasted with sleeping-in and floating through the day. Also set a time for when you will start being productive.

Make a weekly plan and then use this to plan the days you are working. We suggest to work 5 days a week and have 2 days off. 

What would you like to achieve in that week? 

Structure your day! Every day we start the day by writing down our daily to-do list on a white board. These goals have to be achievable. Nothing is worse than looking at an endless stream of tasks and not completing your list.

Start the day Positively

Start your day with a workout, yoga and/or meditation. Set your intentions for the day to help you stay positive. Tell yourself that good things are coming your way, everything will be alright, envision it and feel it. How will your life look after this is over? What will you have achieved? What are the things you look forward to? 

For me it really helps to start the day with affirmations, focusing on what I want to achieve that day and what I want in life. Already seeing and feeling myself there. After, I do a yoga workout, I really recommend ‘Yoga with Adriene’, I am currently doing her ’30 day Home’ yoga challenge.

Be Healthy

We know it’s easy to sit on the sofa binge watching Netflix whilst eating cheese, chocolate and ice-cream, but we can assure you that in 3 weeks you are going to regret that decision. Have you always wanted to follow a particular eating plan, or workout routine, but couldn’t fit it in to your busy schedule? Now there is no excuse! We really recommend eating healthy and cooking with fresh ingredients.

Drink lots of water and try not to drink alcohol on your work days as it can really impact your mentality and mood the next day. Plan ahead with your meals, be creative, you now have all this time to cook. Make those smoothies and recipes from that cooking book you never used.

Feel free to check out our Instagram Highlights where to post easy vegan recipes daily. Also a special mention to our neighbour Wendy, who has been baking up a storm trying out lots of new Vegan recipes.  

Virtual Socialising

This is an obvious one but plan FaceTime sessions with friends and family. Make calls to people you never normally have the time to call. There are so many apps available to allow group chats, HouseParty, Zoom, Skype. Use social media to connect with others, after all, we are all in this together, (do you have High School Musical in your head now too?). Just because you are in self isolation, doesn’t mean you can’t be social.

Go Outside

Here in the UK, the government have allowed us to have one walk a day to help maintain mental well-being. Make sure you take advantage of this and go out once a day for a walk, bike ride or jog. Soak up the sun and smile. Put on a nice outfit to still feel like a human. 

This is especially important if you live on your own, as you are spending a lot of time without any real human interaction. A walk in the park with a polite wave to a passerby (keeping the correct social distance), can help remind you that you aren’t alone, even if self isolation feels like 28 days later.

We also use this time to go and visit a neighbour who is in the high risk category. We stand outside her apartment at opposite ends of the hallway for a 20minute catch up. 

Keep Fit

self isolation
Instagram LIVE: 5pm (GMT)

It’s also important to keep your body fit as well as your mind. Find a daily workout that you can do using the space and equipment you already have. YouTube is a great tool for finding free workouts.

You can also join us at 5pm (GMT) every day on Instagram LIVE (@_breakingthedistance) for a free 30min dance cardio workout, hosted by Tash. Self isolation could be the time when you finally get into the best shape of your life.

Treat Yourself

You don’t have to wear make-up and get dressed up, but pay attention to YOU and treat yourself with hair/face masks or take a long, relaxing bath. 

Be Creative 

Did you love painting as a child but never got to it again? Go and be creative, paint, draw, write stories, do an online course, explore that creative side. Every day life can often take us away from our true passions or even make us feel like we don’t have any. 

You never know what incredible talents could be hiding under all the pressure of your normal 9-5 lifestyle. We challenge you to do something creative every day, we would love for you to share it with us in the comments below or on social media. Tag us on Instagram @_breakingthedistance.

Marie Kondo Your Home

How many times have you said on Friday, “This weekend I’m going to sort out my wardrobe” or “clean out the kitchen” and instead you spent the weekend sat on the sofa doing nothing? Well now is your chance to do it, and to do it properly. 

Yes this may seem like a boring one, but considering the amount of time you are going to be spending in your home it will make you feel so much better when everything is clean and organised. 

Fun Time

Yes you are still in isolation and you can’t go to party’s or social events, but you can still make this free time a good time. Dust off that board game, read that book you got for your birthday two years ago. Dance around the apartment whilst the cat looks at you like you have gone mad. Play a game of charades over Skype, there are so many options, think out of the box.

If you have a partner you can try new things in the bedroom, put on your naughty shoes, read a chapter of 50 shades of grey and explore #sexytime.  

We hope that in this uncertain and challenging time, you can still find some positivity and light. The world is healing and it gives us TIME! How often do you ask people, “How are you?” And they say, “Busy!”. Now we don’t have to be busy anymore, it can feel a little weird and often makes us feel restless. However, remember you are not alone, reach out for help, ‘We Are All In This Together’, (Cue Zack Effron). 

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